Monday, June 29, 2009

Looking For Your Input
Annual Citizen Survey

The City of Centralia is asking its citizens to help shape the future of the City by completing and returning the 2009 Annual Citizen Survey (embedded above). The survey contains questions regarding City services, taxes, economic development and spending priorities. Answers to this survey are anonymous and participation is voluntary, although strongly encouraged as the City Council and administration relies on the survey results to determine how best to allocate your tax dollars and to set priorities. As an additional incentive, this year the City is offering the option of having your survey entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate to a local restaurant. The Survey takes approximately 8-10 minutes to complete, and can be returned City Hall through the mail or dropped off at the Utilites drop-box located on Poplar Street; or to the Clerks Office at City Hall. The deadline to return the survey is August 7, 2009.
Click Here to view Previous Years Results

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