At the Work Session held on February 23, 2009, staff discussed a special project for Elmwood Cemetery which entailed improvements to the two circles located on Chapel Lane. The improvements will include landscaping, new sidewalk ramps, flag poles, brick paver sidewalks and various repairs to existing curb and sidewalks. The project will also include extending water and electric to the two circles to aid in the maintenance of the new landscaping and to allow for flags to flown at night. The main purpose of the improvements is to create spaces for cremains to be buried and a way to honor our veterans at the Pittenger statue. City staff will be starting the project as soon as the Council authorizes the expenditure in an effort to get the area ready for our annual Memorial Day celebration in late May. Staff will order the sod, which is being used to make the project ready for May, and the brick pavers and flag poles and will start immediately with the demolition of the sidewalks and the damaged curb. We will most likely ask the Council to approve a Change Order to the Lincoln Boulevard Sidewalk project due to the low price extended for the ramps and those will be complete by May 1st. Staff is also working with Jim Shoemaker of Howell Paving to get the first half of Chapel Lane from Gragg Street north to the first circle paved in May. This project is budgeted from the General Fund.
The project will be paid using funds from two accounts in the 2009 budget; Special Projects and TIF #6. Staff has proposed using $15,000 from Special Projects 05-02-0-0-502 and $8,500 from TIF #6 63-02-0-0-503. This will leave an unexpended balance in the Special Projects fund of $23,993 and $24,250 in the TIF #6 fund.
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